wake up!

we can win!
We can win by being willing to push forward with the energy and force it takes to end the era of the fossil fuel industry and build a livable future that leaves no one behind.
Climate Defenders believe that organizing across races and backgrounds is how we build power and win. We believe it is crucial for Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities to unite and build our power together in order to end the destructive forces that have been extracted from our planet and our people for centuries.
In order to end fossil fuels, we must cut their lifeline. Climate Defenders believe pressuring financial institutions to end their financial support of fossil fuels is the fastest way we end the era of fossil fuels. We will target big banks, private equity, and insurance companies through strategic campaigning and direct action.
Climate Defenders know that in order to win our movements need to engage in nonviolent resistance in order to win significant political change. Just like Americans have done in the past, from the civil rights movement to the immigration movements, Climate Defenders are ready to engage in nonviolent direct action aimed at the fossil fuel industry and the corporations that back them.
our truths
Climate Defenders believe we must dismantle the fossil fuel industry in order to prevent catastrophic levels of global warming and clear the way for a livable future with a clean economic system run by and for the people.
Climate Defenders organizes the communities that have been disproportionately impacted by environmental injustice, acknowledging their strength and ancestral wisdom that guides us on this journey. By lifting up their voices, we expose the true costs of reliance on fossil fuels and forge a path toward equitable solutions.
We challenge the status quo and disrupt the destructive forces that have plagued our planet. Through grassroots mobilization and fearless non-violent direct action and civil disobedience, we embody the power of unity, demanding environmental justice and a sustainable path forward.
Climate Defenders live in the US, one of the richest countries on earth. But that wealth is concentrated in a few individuals and wealthy corporations. In order to build the clean, renewable infrastructure we need, we must tax the rich and shift resources toward building the clean and equitable future we need to survive & thrive.
Climate Defenders believe in a Just Transition. As we work to dismantle the fossil fuel industry that is ruining our communities, we must also work towards building a new equitable economy. This new economy must guarantee a clean healthy environment, safe and secure housing, healthcare, and safety for everyone.